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Pretests - Everything You Need to Know

Tutors must need to know about what their students know before beginning a new unit of study at every grade level and in every discipline. For making this determination you have to use a pretest that assesses student proficiency in the skills that are going to be taught. How to Use Pretest Data -- It is the responsibility of Teachers to make an informed decision about how to divide their teaching time and concepts by using pretest Data.


Tutors in case if they have determined that all students are having a particular skill, they can spend significantly less time on this and use the additional instructional time to address material more challenging for their students. By using this way, students can show anything from full to very limited comprehension. Pretests allow teachers to see levels of proficiency and assess the degree to which students meet expectations using just prior knowledge.


Advantage of Pretests – Several reasons can make Pretests beneficial such as a Comprehensive assessment that measures student’s growth and shows a student's level of understanding before and after instruction, even while instruction is still happening. Comparison of tests allows teachers to track student development from one class to the next, between topics, and even from day-to-day. Most forms of assessment just use to determine whether a student meets expectations after they've been taught, but these fail to account for prior knowledge and incremental progress.


Students can preview what to expect from a new unit and tests are often the first time that a student is exposed to new terms, concepts, and ideas. Pretests, therefore, they can also be used as unit introductions. In this way, students feel more comfortable with material that is familiar to them and pretests can provide additional exposure.

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